Physical Therapy services tailored to Nassau County's active residents.

Back Pain

We assist individuals like you in breaking free from pain medication dependency,
evading surgical interventions, and enhancing your quality of life by delving into the
underlying issues causing your back pain!

If you have lower back pain, tightness, or stiffness its very common to think it will resolve on its own with time. Instead of getting better, your pain worsens causes increased distress and difficulty doing the tasks that you found to be simple.

If it is happening to you, you are not alone as we see this all the time. In fact, lower back pain and sciatica are one of the most common injuries today. Many tend to prolong getting treatment without ever getting to the root cause of the problem. This will lead to worsening of symptoms and overcompensation of the body.

We frequently encounter patients who first consult their primary care physician for pain and receive pain medication and rest advice. However, as the pain worsens, they often seek an orthopedic specialist who recommends surgery for multiple herniated discs. Despite surgery, many still suffer from pain and frustration. What’s often overlooked is that physical therapy should be the initial choice for addressing movement-related injuries.

  1. First, it’s crucial to make the decision to seek professional help for effective medical care. Procrastinating and hoping the pain will vanish on its own often leads to worsening conditions over time.
  2. Avoiding extended periods of sitting and rest is vital. If you’ve experienced back pain when trying to stand after prolonged sitting, it’s likely due to rest and poor posture. We offer strengthening exercises tailored to improve your posture, coupled with hands-on treatment to get you back to an active and healthy lifestyle quickly.
  3. At Vital Rehab & Performance PT, we pride ourselves on delivering genuine physical therapy. Our approach is centered around treating the individual, not just the specific body part. Our goal is to help you return to the activities you love as swiftly as possible. To learn more about our methods, feel free to get in touch or take advantage of our risk-free, no-obligation appointment.
  4. Next, we emphasize the importance of the right exercises. Research has demonstrated that progressively challenging exercises, guided by a Doctor of Physical Therapy, can bring significant benefits to spine health. These exercises are essential for reducing pain, restoring efficient movement, and ensuring the problem doesn’t resurface.

When you experience lower back pain, tightness, or stiffness, it’s easy to dismiss it as nothing, assuming it will resolve on its own. Some might attribute it to having “slept awkwardly,” categorize it as a mere “spasm,” or view it as a common bout of stiffness that “everyone” encounters.

Despite its seemingly unexplained origin, the discomfort persists, and there’s no sign of improvement.

If this sounds like your experience, you’re not alone. We frequently hear these concerns, especially since lower back pain and sciatica are some of the most prevalent injuries worldwide. When it comes to living with back pain, everyone we encounter wants answers to the same questions:

  • “Why is This Happening to Me?”
  • “Why Am I Still Suffering With Back Pain After Enduring It For 6 Months (Maybe More)?”

Many individuals believe that when they have back pain, it will vanish independently. They hope for a day when, as if by magic, the pain will disappear entirely. However, after six months, they find themselves still grappling with persistent back pain, often worse than when it first appeared.

  1. You might have believed that your back pain would resolve on its own, but unfortunately, it didn’t.
  2. You visited a doctor who recommended rest and painkillers, yet the pills provided only temporary relief, and the pain returned once they wore off.
  3. Perhaps a family member, coworker, or friend assured you that back pain is a natural part of aging, and you accepted it as such.
  4. You may have explored other healthcare professionals or even consulted a chiropractor, but their advice and treatments didn’t seem to make a lasting difference.
  5. Turning to YouTube and Instagram, you attempted exercises, but they either proved ineffective or exacerbated your back pain.
  6. Thinking that rest would alleviate your severe back pain, you discovered that it only made your back feel stiffer and tighter.
  7. You considered getting massages, hoping they would provide a long-term solution, but they offered temporary relief without addressing the underlying issue.

If any of these scenarios sound familiar to you, we’d be delighted to assist you. We invite you to schedule a call with one of our specialists at Vital Rehab & Performance PT in Mineola. During this call, you can gain expert advice on how to address your specific situation. Your initial phone consultation is complimentary, and there’s no obligation to schedule any appointments with us afterward. Our primary aim is to help you make an informed decision about your next steps to achieve the results you desire.

  1. First, it’s crucial to make a decision about seeking assistance. Many individuals aged 24-44 tend to delay, hoping their back pain will simply vanish over time. However, after six months, they often find themselves still grappling with discomfort, and sometimes, it worsens.
  2. Next, prioritize the right exercises. Engaging in a series of tailored, progressive exercises, guided by a Doctor of Physical Therapy, is key to reducing pain and regaining efficient mobility quickly. This approach also helps ensure that the issues don’t resurface or worsen, as can happen with some exercises.
  3. Avoid prolonged sitting and extended periods of rest. Have you ever struggled to rise from your desk after sitting for a while due to painful tightness in your back? This is often the result of excessive rest and extended periods of sitting. Too much inactivity and sitting in uncomfortable positions can lead to stiffness and discomfort. It’s highly beneficial to receive strengthening exercises for improved posture, along with hands-on treatment, to regain your active and healthy lifestyle promptly.
  4. Benefit from effective, “hands-on” treatments. Physical Therapy is a proven method for addressing low back pain. In fact, at Vital Rehab & Performance PT, it’s one of the most common injuries we encounter. If back pain affects your job, hinders your ability to stay active, or interferes with your quality time with family and friends, Physical Therapy can help you swiftly return to the life you deserve.

If you’re interested in discovering how the Vital team can assist you in living with less back pain, we invite you to begin with a free, no-obligation, risk-free appointment.

Another scenario we see in our clinic are patients saying they went to their primary care physician and were prescribed pain medication and told to rest. But this rarely the best advice as the pain worsens, only for them to go to an orthopedic to tell them they have multiple herniated disks and need surgery. Yikes! We see this all the time and even surgery hasn’t helped! Many are still in pain, waisted their time, increased their level of frustration with the medical system, and are unable to live a simple life again. Many people are unaware of physical therapy being the first line of defense for movement injuries.

  1. First, you need to decide about getting help and receiving valuable medical care. Many people procrastinate, thinking the pain will go away on its own. Instead, as time passes it gets worse because nothing has changed. 
  2. Next, we must do the RIGHT exercises. Research has shown properly progressing exercises and challenging the internal stability system can have immense positive effects on the spine. The right exercises must be prescribed the a doctor of physical therapy to help reduce pain and allow for efficient movement quickly again. As a result, making sure the problem is corrected and doesn’t return.
  3. Avoiding prolonged sitting and rest periods. Sitting for a long time while a work? Tried to get up but are struggling because the back feels so painful and tight? That’s because one of the worst things you can do that adds to back pain is rest and poor sitting posture. Being given appropriate strengthening exercises for your posture, along with hand-on treatment can get you active and healthy as soon as possible. 
  4. Getting REAL physical therapy – Vital Rehab physical therapy takes pride in providing valuable service by treating the individual, not the body part. We get you back to doing what you love again in the quickest time possible. If you would like to know more in how we do that, give us a call or we invite you to a risk free, no obligation appointment.

If you have lower back pain, tightness or stiffness it’s very tempting to think that it’s nothing, and that it will go away on its own. Or, you pass it off as having just “slept awkwardly”, or that it’s just a “spasm” or a bit of stiffness that “everyone” suffers from…

There’s no obvious reason why it happened but it doesn’t seem to be getting better!

If that’s happening to you, you’re not alone – and we hear this type of thing all the time. In fact, lower back pain and sciatica are one of the most common injuries on the planet today! And when it comes to living with back pain, everybody we see wants to know…

“Why is This Happening to Me?”… or, “Why Am I Still Suffering With Back Pain After Putting Up With It For 6 Months (Maybe More)? Most people think that when they get back pain, it’s just going to go away on it’s own.

That they’ll wake up one morning and like “magic”, it’ll be as if back pain never happened… But then 6 months later you’re still living with back pain – often even worse than it was when it started.

  1. You thought it would go away on it’s own – but it didn’t
  2. You went to the Doctor who told you to rest and take painkillers – but the pills did nothing to help your back, and as soon as they wore off the back pain struck again
  3. A family member, coworker or friend, told you that everybody gets back pain as they get older, so you just accepted it
  4. You tried other Healthcare Professionals, or a Chiropractor in the past, but nothing they said or did seemed to help
  5. You tried YouTube and Instagram exercises but they either didn’t do a thing, or made your back pain 10x worse
  6. You thought it would be a good idea to rest because your back pain was so bad, but all that did was make it feel even more stiff and tight
  7. You decided to get a few “massages” hoping that would fix the pain, but all they did was feel nice and relaxing, and didn’t do anything to fix it long term… If any of these have happened to you – we would love to help you by inviting you to hop on a call to talk with one of our specialists in Chelsea or Greenpoint to find out what can be done to help you. The fact that you’ve tried any or all of these things already is actually a GREAT THING, now you know what doesn’t work and are 1-step closer to finding the thing that does!

Click the link below to jump on a call with us if you would like to get some expert advice given to you over the phone. The phone call is complimentary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over. Our goal is to help you make the right decision about what to do next for the results you actually want!

  1. First, you need to make a decision about getting help. So many people age 24-44 procrastinate for so long, thinking that back pain will ‘just go away with time’, but then 6 months down the line they’re still dealing with it, and nothing’s changed… Or it gets worse
  2. Next, do the RIGHT exercises – one of the best things to help you ease your back pain is to do the right series of progressed exercises – the right exercises given to you by a Doctor of Physical Therapy will help reduce pain, and allow you to move efficiently again quickly – and make sure that the problems don’t come back anytime soon (or make your back worse like some exercises do).
  3. Avoid sitting and long periods of rest – ever tried to get up from your desk after working for a while, but you struggle because your back feels so painful and tight? That’s because one of the worst things you can do that adds to back pain is rest, and sit for long periods of time. Too much rest, and sitting in awkward positions makes your back stiff and tight. It would really help if you were given appropriate strengthening exercises for better posture, alongside hands-on treatment, to get you active and healthy as quickly as possible.
  4. Get real, “hands-on” treatments – Physical Therapy is proven to help people with low-backpain. In fact at Fit Club it’s one of the most common injuries we see. If your back pain is affecting your job, your ability to stay active, or gets in the way of spending quality time with family and friends – Physical Therapy can help get you back to living the life you deserve as quickly as possible. If you would like to know how the team at Fit Club can help you live with less back pain – we invite you to start with a completely free, no-obligation, risk free appointment at one of our clinics:

We frequently encounter patients who first consult their primary care physician for pain and receive pain medication and rest advice. However, as the pain worsens, they often seek an orthopedic specialist who recommends surgery for multiple herniated discs. Despite surgery, many still suffer from pain and frustration. What’s often overlooked is that physical therapy should be the initial choice for addressing movement-related injuries.

  1. First, it’s crucial to make the decision to seek professional help for effective medical care. Procrastinating and hoping the pain will vanish on its own often leads to worsening conditions over time.
  2. Avoiding extended periods of sitting and rest is vital. If you’ve experienced back pain when trying to stand after prolonged sitting, it’s likely due to rest and poor posture. We offer strengthening exercises tailored to improve your posture, coupled with hands-on treatment to get you back to an active and healthy lifestyle quickly.
  3. At Vital Rehab & Performance PT, we pride ourselves on delivering genuine physical therapy. Our approach is centered around treating the individual, not just the specific body part. Our goal is to help you return to the activities you love as swiftly as possible. To learn more about our methods, feel free to get in touch or take advantage of our risk-free, no-obligation appointment.
  4. Next, we emphasize the importance of the right exercises. Research has demonstrated that progressively challenging exercises, guided by a Doctor of Physical Therapy, can bring significant benefits to spine health. These exercises are essential for reducing pain, restoring efficient movement, and ensuring the problem doesn’t resurface.

When you experience lower back pain, tightness, or stiffness, it’s easy to dismiss it as nothing, assuming it will resolve on its own. Some might attribute it to having “slept awkwardly,” categorize it as a mere “spasm,” or view it as a common bout of stiffness that “everyone” encounters.

Despite its seemingly unexplained origin, the discomfort persists, and there’s no sign of improvement.

If this sounds like your experience, you’re not alone. We frequently hear these concerns, especially since lower back pain and sciatica are some of the most prevalent injuries worldwide. When it comes to living with back pain, everyone we encounter wants answers to the same questions:

  • “Why is This Happening to Me?”
  • “Why Am I Still Suffering With Back Pain After Enduring It For 6 Months (Maybe More)?”

Many individuals believe that when they have back pain, it will vanish independently. They hope for a day when, as if by magic, the pain will disappear entirely. However, after six months, they find themselves still grappling with persistent back pain, often worse than when it first appeared.

  1. You might have believed that your back pain would resolve on its own, but unfortunately, it didn’t.
  2. You visited a doctor who recommended rest and painkillers, yet the pills provided only temporary relief, and the pain returned once they wore off.
  3. Perhaps a family member, coworker, or friend assured you that back pain is a natural part of aging, and you accepted it as such.
  4. You may have explored other healthcare professionals or even consulted a chiropractor, but their advice and treatments didn’t seem to make a lasting difference.
  5. Turning to YouTube and Instagram, you attempted exercises, but they either proved ineffective or exacerbated your back pain.
  6. Thinking that rest would alleviate your severe back pain, you discovered that it only made your back feel stiffer and tighter.
  7. You considered getting massages, hoping they would provide a long-term solution, but they offered temporary relief without addressing the underlying issue.

If any of these scenarios sound familiar to you, we’d be delighted to assist you. We invite you to schedule a call with one of our specialists at Vital Rehab & Performance PT in Mineola. During this call, you can gain expert advice on how to address your specific situation. Your initial phone consultation is complimentary, and there’s no obligation to schedule any appointments with us afterward. Our primary aim is to help you make an informed decision about your next steps to achieve the results you desire.

  1. First, it’s crucial to make a decision about seeking assistance. Many individuals aged 24-44 tend to delay, hoping their back pain will simply vanish over time. However, after six months, they often find themselves still grappling with discomfort, and sometimes, it worsens.
  2. Next, prioritize the right exercises. Engaging in a series of tailored, progressive exercises, guided by a Doctor of Physical Therapy, is key to reducing pain and regaining efficient mobility quickly. This approach also helps ensure that the issues don’t resurface or worsen, as can happen with some exercises.
  3. Avoid prolonged sitting and extended periods of rest. Have you ever struggled to rise from your desk after sitting for a while due to painful tightness in your back? This is often the result of excessive rest and extended periods of sitting. Too much inactivity and sitting in uncomfortable positions can lead to stiffness and discomfort. It’s highly beneficial to receive strengthening exercises for improved posture, along with hands-on treatment, to regain your active and healthy lifestyle promptly.
  4. Benefit from effective, “hands-on” treatments. Physical Therapy is a proven method for addressing low back pain. In fact, at Vital Rehab & Performance PT, it’s one of the most common injuries we encounter. If back pain affects your job, hinders your ability to stay active, or interferes with your quality time with family and friends, Physical Therapy can help you swiftly return to the life you deserve.

If you’re interested in discovering how the Vital team can assist you in living with less back pain, we invite you to begin with a free, no-obligation, risk-free appointment.

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Move forward and prioritize your physical well-being as the next step in your journey.